All XLS Padlock Options > Application Settings > Configure Advanced Options |
In “Application Settings”, click “Configure Advanced Options” button to display the following window:
These options are for advanced users: use them only on advice of technical support.
Available Advanced Options
Allow loading/saving other workbooks through VBA SetOption helper
Show Developer Tab (not recommended)
Disable formula and VBA protection (Excel 2000 compatibility)
Custom Save File Extension (default: XLSC)
Store .DAT, license and save files in the same folder as the EXE file (useful for portable applications)
Do not disable Protect/Unprotect Sheet menu
Do not show VBA compiler exception messages
Compress EXE files with UPX
Allow the user to close the splash screen by clicking it
Disable Overwrite Prompt in the Save As dialog box
Do not use a virtual drive for storing temporary Excel files (troubleshooting purposes).
Perform a workbook recalculation at startup (formula protection troubleshooting purposes).
Allow all other Excel add ins (not recommended)
Use fixed protection DLL filenames (not recommended)
Use another registry key for storing activation data
Save workbook files against the language of VBA
Do not restart the EXE automatically after successful activation
Do not reset Quick Access Toolbar
Do not disable the XLStart user folder
Allow F11 and F12 keystrokes
Do not temporarily disable Excel events while protecting original workbook
Enable Web Update Log (WUPDATE.LOG in Documents folder)
Do not modify Excel icon
Do not forbid elevated mode for the EXE
Do not set calculation mode to manual when loading cell values
Delay before the Reload button in wait dialog displays (in seconds)