Paquet Builder to generate custom and compact installers. It must be installed on your computer before you can use this feature.
Paquet Builder is a mix between a 7-Zip Self-Extracting archive maker and a Setup routine generator. Thanks to its exhaustive feature set, you can create flexible and compact self-extractors for professional file and software delivery. Package up any document or program files, visually construct simple or sophisticated multilanguage distribution and installation packages; generate updates and patches; wrap multimedia presentations or several Windows Installer MSI setups into single .exe files ready for delivery over the Internet.
Click Generate Installer in XLS Padlock / Distribute EXE to display a new window named “Make Setup for your compiled workbook”
First, you need to fill in the three fields “Destination path”, “Setup title” and “Your Application Name”: “Destination Path” is the default folder where you want your application to be installed, “Setup Title” is the title that will appear on all Setup windows, and “Your Application Name” will appear on shortcuts, uninstaller, etc.
Secondly, press Generate Installer to create the project. XLS Padlock will then launch Paquet Builder to let you modify the new project and of course create the installer for you.
Tutorial: how to make an installer for your Excel workbook