XLS Padlock Guide
XLS Padlock Guide

Execute VBA Code After Saving Secure Workbook



When working with secure Excel workbooks, it’s often necessary to perform specific actions immediately after a save operation. The following feature is particularly useful for developers looking to add custom post-save functionalities, such as logging activities, notifying users, or triggering other processes.

XLS Padlock invokes the following VBA callback: XLSPadlock_OnAfterSave. By including this subroutine in your VBA project, XLS Padlock will automatically invoke it each time the workbook is saved.


Implementing XLSPadlock_OnAfterSave


To leverage this feature, you simply insert a subroutine named XLSPadlock_OnAfterSave into your VBA module. The subroutine must have one parameter, SaveFilename, which is a string passed by XLS Padlock that contains the full path to the saved secure workbook file.


Here’s a basic implementation of this subroutine:


Sub XLSPadlock_OnAfterSave(SaveFilename As String)
    MsgBox "The workbook has been successfully saved as: " & SaveFilename
End Sub


The example above provides a simple message box that informs the user of the save operation's success and shows the file path of the saved workbook.





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