XLS Padlock FastSpring Subscription Kit Guide
XLS Padlock FastSpring Subscription Kit Guide

Base URL for activation



Please ensure the inc subfolder is not web accessible (you should get a 403 forbidden error if you try to access it with a web browser): it contains sensitive data and should be protected by the shipped .htaccess file (on Apache) or the web.config file (on Windows IIS).

Write down the public URL that allows access to the “xlspadlock-fskit” folder because we will use it later.

In our case, since we renamed the “xlspadlock-fskit” to “subscription”, it should be:


if you access your website at http://www.mywebsite.com

Now, we will test whether the URL rewriting works on your web server. Please open your web browser to visit the following URL:


Replace http://www.mywebsite.com by your own website URL.

You must see the following message:

If not, this means that URL rewriting is not working as expected and the subscription kit will fail. Contact your webhost support to ask for help in order to enable URL rewriting.

Note for Apache users: some servers require you to specify the `RewriteBase` directive in the .htaccess file. In such cases, it should be the path (relative to the document root) containing this .htaccess file.

Set up local encryption key


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