We published an update for our activation kit. The main new feature of this update is the ability to pass custom data to your workbook application and exploit that data with your Excel’s VBA code. For example you can pass the number of days left for a subscription or allow the use of different features of your workbook depending on the level of license purchased by your customer. An example with PHP and VBA code is provided in the guide.
The XLS Padlock Activation Kit provides tools if you want to use online activation with your Excel workbooks. Online license validation is handled too. The package contains a basic PHP web application that receives data from the secure workbook, generates appropriate activation keys and sends them back to the application. You can also pass custom data to the application during validation.
A dedicated user guide is included too. This web application can be enhanced and customized at will by any developer with PHP skills.
Registered users with an active maintenance can download the kit for free in their dedicated webpage.